On page Optimisation Essentials
One of the most important steps you need to take on your SEO journey is on page optimisation. Making sure it is complete for each page goes a long well to help rankings.
Search engines such as Google or Bing need to understand what your content represents. On page optimisation is the way to do this.
Complete the following tasks to each page you wish to rank and you should see an improvement in your rankings.
Title Tags
Include your keyword in the title tag for the page. Add it at the start to highlight this is the main subject of the page. Numbers & Power words are also highly recommended as triggers for the user. You need to stand out from the competition to encourage clicks.
Your URL Structure
The URL (website address) for the page should include the selected keyword or phrase and not be too long. By including the keyword in the URL you are immediately telling the search engines what the page is about.
For example https://www.sjldigitalmarketing.com/seo-northern-ireland/ tells Google we specialise in SEO in Northern Ireland. A shorter URL has also be proven to rank better than long ones with Google, so keep it as short as possible.